Since last couple of weeks, either CNN, ABC, NY Times haven’t much mentioned on alarming Global warming issues. Infact they had much time to focus on least bothered Pairs Hilton’s release from the Jail… hmm.. probably, they should have gone with some garlands and bouquets :)

Why is that media doesn’t want to focus ? Is there no profit for them ? Are they least bothered?

What is the purpose of Media ? I urge every newspaper,TV Channel to maintain some social responsibility by bringing awareness on Global Warming ..

Thank you,

V Bhamidipaty

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad that somebody finally said it! The media needs to take responsibility for their part as a global mouth with the power to cast their voice into everyone's living rooms throughout the earth. It can not sit bye idle, silent, and use its owner and their agendas as an excuse. Come on Media, you want a headlinem, HERE IT IS!