What the Hell Happening ...

hmm.. Last week when I travelled to Houston from California - The sudden change of climatic conditions, made a lot of impact on me...

At first when I came out of the IAH Airport, I thought is this all what Mr.Al Gore and David Suzuki mentioning "Global Warming".

The temperatures are creeping more than 100F and with the affect of drizzling at night times, the humidity conditions also raised above normal levels.

I felt, if today is the day happening with lot of humidity and uneasiness , what will happen tomorrow and what could be future. Say, if my Son/Grand questions me - Howdy .. What did you do when you had a chance to take action, see today we are the sufferers, going out with masks on our face and running Oxygen pipes everywhere in the room.

Usually we think about giving good life and expect them to lead a happy life than ours..(a kind of... human tendency) If it is the case then, why should I not think about global climatic changes happening now-a-days.

I request human mankind to take necessary action against global climatic changes and realize the facts... I feel this is the time to wake up and time to wake others in the neighbourhood community on Global Warming.

Thanks for reading

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